I am often asked which site has the best gay pics on it. In fact, I hear this question over and over again every week which kind of perplexes me. I didn't think that many people worried that much about gay pictures anymore. I mean, I would think that most people would be concerned with videos over pictures content. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. Even though it is the 21st century, guys still enjoy really well filmed gay pics. Who would've thought this would be the case? Certainly not me.
Despite my confusion over the topic, however, I decided to hit the Internet and find the answer to that question. I looked high and low and traveled down many different rabbit holes to come up with a solution. After some searching I think I have finally solved the problem and found the site with the best free gay thumbnails. And this site is called Next Door Buddies.
Next Door Buddies has a huge collection of hot, steamy gay photos that really capture the essence of the scenes. They show hot guys not only showing off their sexy bodies and stroking their cum cannons, but also show them in fantastic hardcore sex scenes. And to top it off, this action is also captured in high resolution.
By the way, they also have some of the hottest gay videos to go along with these picture sets as well. I think the combo works well together and answers everyone's questions.
Gay pics like this one is what I live for nowadays. I simply love visiting sites such as Next Door Buddies and checking out their brilliant gay picture galleries. I love them so much they are often the first thing that I check out before I check out the videos on the site.
Now I am not saying that I only check out the gay pics and nothing else. That is not the case at all. I will always check out the movies as well. But for me, the pictures offer something real special. A chance to not only warm myself up and build up my anticipation for the video scenes, but also a chance for me to get a good hard look at my favorite performers. Sometimes it's just a lot of fun being able to get a good hard look at a guy's glistening body without having to press pause.
Of course, I understand that the way that I do things might place me in the minority among my peers. That's okay. I'll do things my way and you can do things your way. I will, however, offer a few words of advice to you. Just don't check out the vids on a site such as Next Door Buddies. Make sure that you check out their gay pics as well. It is well worth the effort and hotter than you think.