Hot is a site that features the content of a studio you have probably heard of before, Hot House Entertainment. If you have been watching quality gay porn, then you have probably seen quite a few of this studios product and more than likely, have enjoyed the hell out of them. Therefore, it is only natural to think that this porn site might have the same adherence to quality.
With gay porn stars such as Matt Cole, Josh West, Alex Collack, Rod Daily and Nick Piston leading the charge in movies such as Backroom Exclusives, Reckless and The Hard Way, I am pretty sure that members of this site are in for a ride that includes some pretty hot hardcore gay action. Check out this site and see if it accomplishes that goal.
Since this is a "short review" members area review hasn't been written yet.
There is no way to visit Hot and not come away from the site feeling satiated and sexually fulfilled. This site has a large collection of content that covers a wide variety of niches and delivers some really incredible hardcore gay porn action. The guys are hot, the action is intense and the videos are really fucking beautiful. What more could you want from a site? No matter how well a site does its job, however, there is always something to nitpick about. And my biggest complaint about this site is the fact that none of the videos can be downloaded. It's streaming only. Which means that if you want to continue to enjoy this incredible content, then you are going to have to stay a member.
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