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Their English may suck but, well let's face it the Hungarian Honeys suck too and that's a very good thing. These gorgeous girls come from all over Hungary and have a completely different point of view about sex and porn than women from other European countries. They are proud of their bodies and the impact that they have on men and even other women and they do not mind doing anything sexual in front of the camera.
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Hungarian Honeys is a monster site with a ton of content but the content on the actual site that you join is all photographic. Sure, you have access to movies through one of the "bonus sites" but it seems a little silly to separate the content out onto two different sites. Regardless, this content is some of the best that I've ever seen. You are getting access to the hottest women in the porn industry who are willing to do anything that you can imagine.
I kind of liked this site. There's a lot of really gorgeous women with some large good quality pics to look at. There are some not too good looking women too but you can fly right by them and find another hot one pretty quick. And there's lots of videos too but you have to wait for them to download before you can view them which I though was a little strange. But the girls are so hot it sort of makes up for any short comings this site may have. This is good jerk off material for just about any red blooded man and I am one of those.
Hungarian Honeys is rather odd name for a site I thought but the honeys are pretty damn hot. Great looking babes who seem to have no sexual inhibitions at all. These girls will do anything in front of a camera, and they do. Lots of very good pics and some damn hot videos too.
The honeys in this site are hot. They are a very nice diversion from the typical American pornstars that I'm use to seeing. They're not always as hot but there are a few who are simply awesome. Is there enough hot pussy in this site to make it worth joining? Yes, yes, yes.
Damn! I'm gonna have to go buy a ticket to Hungary and it just might be a one way ticket too. These babes are awesome. Who would have known that some little country like this would be hiding such beautiful and uninhibited women. These girls will do anything and they do...over and over. I am really glad I stumbled on this site and I am staying for as along as I can pay the money.
When I saw Yana Cova at this site I was pretty sure I would like it. She is a drop dead gorgeous petite blonde that has been all over the web for a number of years. I figured if there are even just a few more like her than I can't go wrong and that thinking turned out to be right on. This site rocks!
Killer babes and great action really makes this web site stand out. I was lucky to find it while the special rate is going on but I would have joined at the normal rate and still felt like I got a good deal. It really is that good!
Hungarian Honey's is more of the kind of website you just happen to find, if you know what I mean. That's the way it happened for me and once I got inside I really could not believe how beautiful the women were. Good God Almighty. These babes are stunning and they are a great departure from the average every day pornstar. Not better but different and very, very nice. These girls do it all and there's lots of content inside.