Home > Reviews > Celebrities > Male Stars review
Male Stars may very well be one of the best celebrity sex sites out there. Whether you're a straight lady or a gay guy, you're sure to enjoy your visit here. Filled with pages of some of the hottest guys in the world, there's no way you won't find someone that'll get your motor running. Male Stars has a great mix of celebrity gossip articles and naked/provocative photos. This mix of content really got me going and I hope it'll be the same for you.
Male Stars is like the ultimate celebrity gossip magazine. Filled with pages of information about any male celeb you can think of and tons of hot (and not so hot) paparazzi photos, you'll be sure to get a kick out of this star studded website.
As a member, my first order of business was to check out the recent updates. The updates include new articles, photos, or videos of actors. Sometimes the photos are explicit while other times there are just pictures of actors looking their best. Below the updates is a nice celebrity news section which will give you all the latest dirt.
After checking out some recent articles and photos, I went on an exhaustive search of some of my favorite male celebs. This was really easy to do as they're all listed by category: celebs, athletes, models, singers, soap stars, movies, and television. In each of these categories, you'll find special features. Sometimes there are exposes on specific movies while other times actors are just grouped by the type of role they played at one time (army man, jailbird, etc.). Overall, there's a whole lot of content to look at... and it isn't just sexy, it's fun, too.
Since there is so much content to sift through, there's a great search function that you can use if the categories don't separate it enough. You can search celebrities by name or by title of their roles. You can also take a look at an alphabetical list (by first or last name) if you're into browsing.
You must keep in mind that since Male Stars features only real celebrity footage, you can't expect to see a bunch of guys doing hardcore. There are some great nudes and even a few sex tapes, but there aren't any 10 man model orgies. To make up for this lack of hardcore action, there's a lot of bonus content that I'm sure you'll love.
Hardcore bonus content on this site includes tons of photo galleries and hundreds of videos and feeds. This content is all hardcore gay porn.
A membership to Male Stars also gets you into four other great exclusive websites: Male Celebs, Naked Soldier, Stud Dorms, and Young Hunks. These sites feature some of the hottest guys around.
If you're into male celebrities, whether of the straight or gay variety, you're going to enjoy yourself at Male Stars. There is a good collection of photos here, the site is well laid out, and they have most of the popular male celebs. I especially liked the Features section, which got me into a few actors that I never would have discovered otherwise.
$2.95 for 3 days (trial)
$29.95 for 1 month (recurring)
As a woman I find it really hard to find hot men in the nude or even having sex that appeals to me. It seems like most of the all male sites are directed toward gay men. That's fine but it leaves those of us women out who really like to look at gorgeous men from time to time. I wasn't real sure that I wanted to go the celebrity route and would have probably preferred something non-celeb but I guess that Hollywood has more than it's fair share of hotties and that's what I'm looking for. I kind of half expected it to be a hoax but when I got to see some of the photos and videos I was stunned that so many celebrities manage to get themselves caught without clothes on. There are three bonus sites included with membership but they really are focused on the gay audience and that's just not my cup of tea. The content is a lot of papparazzi stuff so some of it is good and some is like looking through a security camera. But, it's a really fun site.
It is about what I expected from the site as I was not hoping for much. Everything the site has can be found other places or it was taken from movies and photo shoots they did. The site is still ok and the one good thing about the site is all of this content is in one place and you don't have to go around searching for it at various other resources.
Male Stars has a really huge archive of pics of the hottest famous men in the world. It's a good site for woman and gays and I would say even for people curious about seeing their favorite stars in a somewhat different way than they normally do.