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Michelle 7 features a huge collection of erotic, fully nude photos, otherwise known as "soft-core porn", however this is much more artistic while still capturing the sexual essence of women. The members area features over 1,100 galleries with an average of 18 photos each in a variety of themes shot in color and black and white. Membership includes access to these timeless classic nudes, portraits, historical nudes, fetish collections, model portfolios and digital masterpieces and so much more! If you enjoy fine photography and the female form, your search may be over.
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This title Michelle7 is a bit misleading. At first I expected that this would be a single girl site about some babe named Michelle but it's not. It's loaded up with tons of babes and a great many photo shoots of good looking girls. The site is somewhat artistic in nature and not just a pussy in your face kind of site. This one has a little more class than that which is good in some ways and bad in others. Sometimes all we want is pussy in our face. But this site is very good for those times when I just want to jerk off to pure beauty and style. It's got lots of both of those things.
Erotica Softcore Porn Site Reviews