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Peter Romero and his "partners in crime" travel across the country looking for girls willing to spread their legs and open their mouths for the camera. You can see hardcore pussy pounding, ass banging, blowjobs and fully loaded cocks blasting jizz all over the models tight bodies. You get to see all of this action through the eyes of the "stunt cock" controlling the camera, so you can sit back and imagine it's your cock being ravaged by one of these horny beauties. Pov Porn features 100% exclusive movies averaging 30 minutes in length. If you still have one hand available, go check out the free trailers on Pov Porn!
Since this is a "express review" members area review hasn't been written yet.
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P.O.V. Porn has finally does something I have been waiting for for years and that is to do porn from the viewers point of view. I want porn to look as if the girl was sucking my dick or I was fucking her in the ass and not some dumb looking fuck who would never get any ass on his own if he didn't happen to have a big cock and was doing porn.
This site is lots of fun and has a really great theme. I loved it and I will be staying on as a member.
I will always like a site where the girls treat the dick they are sucking or fucking like it was my dick. For me, that just makes th best jerking off material that you could ever have. And there's plenty of it here.
Porn producers should have been shooting their porn like this for the last forty years and I guess they finally figured it out. Every guy who watched a girl suck a cock wants to imagine that it's his cock they are sucking and that is exactly what the POV style of shooting allows us to do. And it works great for me. I agree with the other guy that this is the best sort of jerk off material there is out there in the porn world. I would like to find a site that does this with all of the top pornstars in the world, but until that comes a long I will stay being a member right here.