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For those who don't know, cougars are predatory M.I.L.F.s that are constantly on the prowl for fresh cock to feast on. According to Seduced by a Cougar's tour, "These mature cock-craving women are...ready to pounce on their next young prey in a feeding frenzy." Obviously, I'm as terrified as you are and I'm outraged that the media hasn't alerted the public of this latest danger! Seeing as seduction by cougar has not been given any print in the press, I will be referring to it as "the phantom menace" from here on out.

Since this is a "express review" members area review hasn't been written yet.

Seduced by a Cougar tells you something those fat cats in Washington don't want you to know: M.I.L.F.s are dangerous beasts that will fuck the living shit out of you if given the opportunity. Consider Seduced by a Cougar a grave warning to be heeded at all costs. Protect your cock, friend.


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User comments/reviews and ratings of Seduced By A Cougar:

  • by BobbyD  -  Rating: 4/5

    I checked out this site becasue of it's name. I am into this whole cougar thing so I thought I'd see what they had and man I gotta say there is some really hot older momma's in this members area. Older and horny babes suckind and fucking like there is not tomorrow. Ladies that know what they are doing and are really into it while they do it. I love that.

  • by Shreed  -  Rating: 4/5

    I'm a younger dude who really gets horny over these older women. But it's not enough just to be older. They have to be hot too and the bitches in this webiste are pretty damn hot. I'd fuck most any one of them in a New York minute. That means quick! Good site.

  • by Kranaugh  -  Rating: 4/5

    I have loved older women all my life. I loved them when I was in my twenties and now that I am in my fifties I still love them. Beautiful and sexy older women will always get more attention from me than the young girls. Don't get me wrong, I'll sure as hell fuck the young ladies, but I would prefer the mature ones.
    This site has some the best looking mature babes I have ever seen on the web and I would love to fuck every single woman I have seen on this site. Seduced By A Cougar is like paradise to me.

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